Was in London for a couple of days and spent the first night in a bed and breakfast place called Crescent Hotel at Bloomsbury, near Russell Square. The charming thing about bed and breakfast is the warm hospitality one gets from a home cooked breakfast in the mornings to a living room filled with little touches of the owner's family such as pictures at the fireplace. With my love for anything antique or vintage, I couldn't help noticing a cast-iron stove at the corner of the dining room and engraved on it were the words "Patent Wellstood range".
Curious, I looked it up and discovered how this stove was run, using the enclosed burning of fuels like coal and wood. At that time, its manufacture was based on an imported innovation from America which made it cleaner and more efficient compared to the open fires commonly used in Europe. The factory that made it was in Bonnybridge, Scotland and it was opened by 3 partners, Ure, Smith and Wellstood in 1854. Though the oven wasn't used, it made the breakfast setting very cosy, a nice contrast to having one at a commercial cafe.
Hi guys,
This post is very useful and very interesting to read. Really, this post is providing nice information.
Keep it up!!!!!
bed and breakfast in london
Aside from being a more economical choice, a homey Bed and Breakfast would be a nice change of scenery from commercial cafes and hotels for travelers, and those who are looking for something that resembles home. Plus, it comes with perks such as personal service, and sometimes hostesses are kind enough to tour visitors around the best places in the area. It’s good to know that you found one during your short stay in London.
Jeff Riley @ Happy Guests Lodge
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